1/29/03 3:22 AM
Since when did New Balance sneakers become
cool to wear????
1/23/03 7:00 PM
I like to read the dead
prez message board sometimes. This is a very interesting (part of a)
message someone with the alias RaceTraitor posted.
...So what, the UK has free education, free healthcare,
and a "democracy." You've also got a shitload of poor people, terrible
housing, and a prime minister that is so far up bush's ass he might as
well be Bush's pancreas. Let's face it to, your democracy is the racist,
xenophobic, bourgeois institution that it was designed to be. It places
political power not in the hands of the public, but rather in the hands
of those who it was designed to give power to: the rich. Thats why you
have a "socialist" prime minister that has effectively tried to destroy
the social structure of the country through privitization and a virtual
war against organized labor. Let's not forget how your government treats
immigrants and refugees.
The notion that the representative democracies of liberal nation states are actually democratic blows my mind. Don't you see who gives them campaign donations and bribes? Don't you see them locking up large portions of the population in prison for nonviolent crimes? Don't you see rampant poverty and housing crisis? Don't you see WHO ACTUALLY CONTROLS THE GOVERNMENT? The simple fact of the matter is that their is no democracy under capitalism and no freedom either! Real freedom comes when your community is able to decide what's best for it both economically, socially, and politically. This has no been the case in the US or with the alledgelly "social democratic" governments of Europe since the inception of the modern nation state (which after all was created as a means for the bourgeois to control and oppress the rest of the society). |
And here's
a great article fromt he always insightful Indymedia.
1/21/03 9:23 PM
Quote of the day:
1/18/03 2:15 PM
Bjork's posts @ bjork.com
2 days ago, regarding "Gollum's Song" at the end of LOTR: The Two Towers:
i was asked to write the song a month before
thew birth of my daughter , when i turned it down because i was too pregnant
they said fair enough and got another writer then approached me again said
they had a song and lyric in my style , they understood i didn´t
have time to write it but if i could sing it , i thought it was a little
noughty but asked them to send me the notes and the lyrics since i was
curious what is "my style" then had to tell them it was 3 days until my
baby was due and i couldn´t focus on anything else they then said
they were going to ask "björk-kinda singers" and told me they got
3 singers , they didn´t tell me the names but say A,B and C .then
after the birth they said they weren´t happy with the results and
asked me please if i could save them , they could put the deadline back
to october 30th ( my baby was born on the 3rd ) i told them my baby was
priority and i was told they went back and chose one of the A or B or C
. i then later found out it was emiliana .
1 : play everything myself . which happens a lot
anyway , because i write most off my stuff on my own , especially the melodies
and the lyrics . so i have many months of working like that . but then
i always arrive to a point where it seems too indulgent and lonely and
the heart of music is about communicating anyway and i get overexcited
about someone i find brilliant and i want to write with her/him .
2 : if i like something to get a techincian to copy it and put it in my song which i have NEVER DONE and felt was totally IMMORAL . like for example when i fell for thomas knak , the idea of his music is incredibly distinctive of him and so so so him but it is actually quite easy to make ( which is kinda the genious of it ) and i could have so easily just copied it but never never never . i contacted him and asked him to be him and it says on the cd thomas knak so his work has his signature . 3 : do what i do . write on my own my stuff and if i want to work with someone ask them and if they don´t want to they can say no . but most of the time it is done with mutual respect and a lot of enthusiasm and we meet like equals , the unfortunate thing is that because i am quite well known people don´t see it as that ... believe me , i don´t ask those people because
i want a "breakthrough" , i know what you mean though , i don´t mean
to ridicule you but if i worked that calculated i would be doing things
differently . i ask them simply because i get very easily over excited
about music and i want to play !!
i was a little ignorant with the tank girl incident and after that promised to not do that again . i just feel the bond between the music and the film has to be really deep and real , so often it is just a surfacy artificial thing , the film might be ok and the music ok but they are strangers to eachother !!! amphibian i was very proud to be asked , spike a friend i had sort of watched him through the corner of my eye make his first film and i knew the connection was genuine , and i personally feel that that song and the piece where it got put match each other very well !!! i met the guy who made the professional , we had a mutual friend and i promised him a new song .i then noughtily moved on to another project ( post ) and couldn´t get it together to connect so i offered him to choose an old song instead as he had been editing with that piece of music anyway . so : proud of the amphibian thing but the other too where educating experiences that influenced strongly that i have since said no to almost every single soundtrack request i have been asked about . and then put everything aside and with all of me did dancer in the dark . i guess i am a all or nothing kinda person ... |
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