MARCH 18, 2002 6:51PM
Aaron McGruder gets in people's asses at Okay Player.
This guy rocks.
MARCH 10, 2002 2:14PM
Check out the funny graphic they made. Anyway, I
feel sorry as ever for you yuppy cell phone users.
Nice interview with El-P (ex-Company Flow) in Real
Audio. You can hear his cats in the background.
MARCH 7, 2002 1:59PM
Don't you think the type of music people listen to
says a lot about them? Their music does not necessarily reflect how others
see them, but how they see themselves. I'm going to use examples from the
people living on my floor, without naming names. They're all guys, and
since I know guys better than girls I'll keep with the male species.
There's this one guy who listens strictly to boy bands, girl singers, teen dance/pop in general. I think that says "I like what is the most popular and with the least depth and intelligence. I do not like to use my brain unless I have to. Art means nothing to me, just give me a simple melody to keep me entertained while I do things that actually matter to me."
There're people who like strictly hardcore rap. Now, I don't go to a poor school, so on a surface level they don't relate to the lyrics of the songs. However, I think it says a lot about their inner rebelliousness and inability to relate to the people around them (hip-hop = social criticism). It's not as deep as that may sound - that doesn't mean they're politically minded or passionate about social issues. They just don't relate to everything about being in and among the upper class here at school. This is strengthened by their interest in gangster films.
There's also another guy here who likes strictly "nu-metal", you know, the brand of hard rock and rap/metal that's designed for radio airplay. This is kind of a mix between the two types I just mentioned - the boy band fan and the rap fan. While there are some feelings of not relating, they are shallow and malformed, and more importantly they are overshowed by the need to fit in.
There's a guy who listens to trance and oldies. This is a tricky one because it's not what's popular among his peers. It is a taste for the different. However, it's not an attraction to artistry as trance is for sure the dunce among the classroom that is electronic music. It's entertaining music but it's non-thinking. He agrees with this point, too. Oldies as well, though this guy's preference is more for trance. He listens to it a lot but only out of boredom. It fills the gap. Perhaps this personifies a person who needs to be doing or be involved with something at all times?
There's an even trickier one I can't even evaluate. He listens to punk rock but strictly punk rock without any sort of political message. In fact, the listener is a republican. How many republican punk bands do you know? But he's really into this non-political punk rock. I don't like much punk myself, but the punk bands I do like have strong views on society, politics, and current events.
I could go on but you get the point. I think a person's taste in music says a whole lot about them. You can understand a person without them saying a single word, just look at the CD's they own (or for the cheap bastards, the mp3's they play).
Priceless fake IRC conversation between all the major
electronic artists.
MARCH 6, 2002 2:11PM
Funkmaster Flex posts on the message board of slightly
underground/conscious hip-hop mecca web site Okay Player. Classic! The
above link is his most detailed message, but check the other posts to read
some of his other messages and what the angry, frustrated, bored peoples
of OKP thought of it all.
A very good interview with Saul Williams, who I have
been very into lately. I highly recommend purchasing or at least borrowing/downloading
his album Amethyst Rock Star. Don't sleep on it like I did until
last month. Also watch his film Slam (in which he starred and co-wrote).
Your belief system ain't louder than my car system...
MARCH 5, 2002 4:02PM
Go Aaron!
MARCH 4, 2002 9:58AM
I got an email reply this morning from Stuart of
Mogwai. Pretty neat. Stuart said Chino Moreno's vocal contributions to
an unreleased Mogwai song... have yet to take place. He says Chino may
still get around to singing on it but apparently it's not something that's
on anyone's minds. He didn't say anything about a new Mogwai EP or album
this year, but he did thank me for playing Mogwai on my
I want to give a BIG LINK to last month's DNR which has only been online for less than a week because I was lazy about making the art. But there're some great links and a great essay I wrote off the top of my head in just one hour.
As we rise with the tides toward
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