This is a page of "Do Not Read" style thoughts by Nick, a classmate of mine. He is French, loves Asian culture and music, long walks on the beach, sleeping, and having big, black, floppy hair. That's all you need to know.
sabobo2l1b3c: yoJune 17th, 2002
sabobo2l1b3c: u have that goat website dont u
Nick: i do?
sabobo2l1b3c: do u
sabobo2l1b3c: dont u have posts on some website
sabobo2l1b3c: and your way into music or something
Nick: i don't have any websites as far as i know... who is this anyway?
sabobo2l1b3c: i got your sn off some website
Nick: well ok
sabobo2l1b3c: howisya77 do u know him?
Nick: sure do... we went to college together... great guy great guy
sabobo2l1b3c: see he mustve started the website or something
sabobo2l1b3c: hes on it
Nick: well then it all comes together... and who might you be
sabobo2l1b3c: i man with the an ambition
sabobo2l1b3c: im a man
Nick: i'm only a boy... what's your ambition mr man?
sabobo2l1b3c: i want to spread the word of the greatest lyricist of all time
sabobo2l1b3c: starting with your friend howisya77
Nick: and who would the greatest lyricist of all time be
sabobo2l1b3c: mac dre..........ya ever heard of him
Nick: nope
sabobo2l1b3c: do u have kazaa or anything that downloads mp3s
Nick: not personally no
sabobo2l1b3c: shit i need to talk to your friend
sabobo2l1b3c: shit i need to talk to your friend
sabobo2l1b3c: look at that website
Nick: shocking
sabobo2l1b3c: u knew about it though
Nick: forgot about it
sabobo2l1b3c: o really
sabobo2l1b3c: but really how do i talk to that other guy
sabobo2l1b3c: i need to tell him he's been misled
Nick: i dunno... wait for him to come online i guess... he's rarely on
sabobo2l1b3c: shit
sabobo2l1b3c: are u still in college
Nick: can't say that i am unfortunately
sabobo2l1b3c: o really why
Nick: i'm living up in nunavut for the time being
sabobo2l1b3c: \wheres that
sabobo2l1b3c: japan
Nick: northern canada
sabobo2l1b3c: o i thought u liked asian stuff
Nick: sure sure it's swell
sabobo2l1b3c: i hear ur obsessed with asians
Nick: only short ones with cleft lips
sabobo2l1b3c: ah ha
Nick: so that's it? i feel ripped off
sabobo2l1b3c: what do u mean
Nick: well i dunno... some person i dunno starts droppin words my way and then it's drop stop stop and the flow's over
sabobo2l1b3c: whos your favorite rapper
sabobo2l1b3c: of all time
sabobo2l1b3c: dont say tupac
Nick: common since you shot down the pac
sabobo2l1b3c: hes not even a good rapper
sabobo2l1b3c: is common a rapper?
Nick: haha yea
sabobo2l1b3c: go to:
Nick: ma'am
sabobo2l1b3c: waaaaaaa
Nick: so i guess this guy's your favorite?
sabobo2l1b3c: yes he is
sabobo2l1b3c: hes amazing
sabobo2l1b3c: download his movies
Nick: which one
sabobo2l1b3c: thizzle dance
Nick: will do
sabobo2l1b3c: and whatcha like
Nick: he's slow man... he's gotta up the speed -- i'm fallin asleep
sabobo2l1b3c: just listen to what he says
sabobo2l1b3c: hes so amazing
sabobo2l1b3c: i had like hundreds of his songs
Nick: i dunno man... the only word he found that rhymes with shit was... well "shit" like 4 times in a row...
sabobo2l1b3c: slide
sabobo2l1b3c: and glide
sabobo2l1b3c: dl all his movies
sabobo2l1b3c: and songs then tell me what u think
sabobo2l1b3c: hes awesome
Nick: slide and glide rhyme but... come on, slide and glide? where's the meaning to these lyrics? is there something deeper? lord byron proved that you could
rhyme and still suck... do his lyrics relate somehow to the tension between the nation state and transnational groups that was prevalent when he was making this
music? was he at least a good dancer?
sabobo2l1b3c: shit
sabobo2l1b3c: well
sabobo2l1b3c: he lives about 45 miles from me
sabobo2l1b3c: and everything he talks about has happpened to him
Nick: well that's something i guess
sabobo2l1b3c: ask me an easier question about him
Nick: has he ever run a marathon?
sabobo2l1b3c: no he smokes too much weed
sabobo2l1b3c: hes a real life pimp
Nick: has he ever biked a marathon?
sabobo2l1b3c: no he doesnt run but he has graduated from high school
Nick: that's a shame... people should drop out more often
sabobo2l1b3c: my cousin goes to his hs now
sabobo2l1b3c: next question
Nick: where does he live
sabobo2l1b3c: and living where i live i can relate to everythinghe says, vallejo, california
sabobo2l1b3c: in the bay area
Nick: san francisco... how's the weather over there
sabobo2l1b3c: sunny
sabobo2l1b3c: its like 30 minutes maybe from frisco
Nick: that's good... so does he ever swim marathons in the bay?
sabobo2l1b3c: ok he doesnt run or swim or anything
sabobo2l1b3c: he might play a little basketball
Nick: what's he got against swimming?
sabobo2l1b3c: hes black........
sabobo2l1b3c: and he lives in the ghetto
Nick: and black ppl from the ghetto don't swim? sounds sketchy to me mr man
sabobo2l1b3c: not any black people i know
Nick: you should tell him he should try it out
sabobo2l1b3c: nah hes too busy makin money slangin dope and runnin that shit
sabobo2l1b3c: have u ever heard of the CREST
sabobo2l1b3c: in vallejo california
Nick: can't say that i have
sabobo2l1b3c: well thats what they call the neighborhood he lives in
Nick: they call my neighborhood nunavut
sabobo2l1b3c: wow
Nick: yea
sabobo2l1b3c: u dl his music videos still
sabobo2l1b3c: yet* i mean
Nick: yea i got some of them... not all but most
sabobo2l1b3c: watch all of them
Nick: maybe some day
sabobo2l1b3c: they arent that long
Nick: all right yeesh
sabobo2l1b3c: haha
Nick: man... he says "you know i never slow down" well shit i don't think that he could... not enough fast rappers these days
sabobo2l1b3c: yea its not popular
sabobo2l1b3c: people like to chill
sabobo2l1b3c: i like to get hella fucked up and listen to him flow
Nick: i dunno i guess he's not the kinda rapper i like...
sabobo2l1b3c: u like tupac
sabobo2l1b3c: tupacs allright
sabobo2l1b3c: but
sabobo2l1b3c: hes kinda week
sabobo2l1b3c: his raps dont flow and they dont do anyhting for me
Nick: "weak"... i think mostly the music they stuck in the background is what killed a lot of his songs... but he's pretty slow too... everyone's slow recently... it's
boring... and the ones that are fast don't say anything interesting
sabobo2l1b3c: idk man
sabobo2l1b3c: slow is better i like to chill
sabobo2l1b3c: why do u like fast rappers
sabobo2l1b3c: they dont sound good
Nick signed off at 8:18:57 PM.
Nick signed on at 8:21:25 PM.
sabobo2l1b3c: yo man
Nick: computer crashed...
sabobo2l1b3c: i can send large things like pictures an shit
Nick: oh alright... thankshere a picture is sent -Travis
sabobo2l1b3c: u dont like bbreasts
Nick: not those fake things... anyway, no pictures
sabobo2l1b3c: y no pictures
Nick: i got other things to do than to look at
pictures you send me... i don't mind talkin if you want but
that's about it
sabobo2l1b3c: aw man
sabobo2l1b3c: i love to send pics of that slut
Nick: send em to someone else i guess
sabobo2l1b3c: what do u do these days?
sabobo2l1b3c: live in canada and thats it
Nick: shovel snow
sabobo2l1b3c: whats your job
Nick: same thing pretty much...
sabobo2l1b3c: really
sabobo2l1b3c: what happened?
sabobo2l1b3c: tell me the story of how u ended up in
northern canada
sabobo2l1b3c: where are u from
Nick: i mean it figuratively... it's about as exciting as
shoveling snow
Nick: i'm a librarian
sabobo2l1b3c: u tellin me the story
Nick: i hitchhiked to canada and ended up in
Nick: pretty simple story
sabobo2l1b3c: where are u from
Nick: originally?
sabobo2l1b3c: yes
Nick: gaul
sabobo2l1b3c: is that in america
Nick: france
sabobo2l1b3c: freedom fries!
sabobo2l1b3c: j'ai m'apelle sebastian et toi
Nick: nick
sabobo2l1b3c: i know some french
Nick: [je m'appelle]
Nick: not j'ai... heh
sabobo2l1b3c: did u ever live in america
sabobo2l1b3c: whatever dude
Nick: well i didn't hitch a ride from france that
Nick: 's for sure
sabobo2l1b3c: where did u go to college
sabobo2l1b3c: ?????
Nick: Maryland School of Music
sabobo2l1b3c: haha
sabobo2l1b3c: thats why your in nuvant now
sabobo2l1b3c: u went to a school of music
Nick: nunavut... i play harmonica, tin whistle and
clawhammer banjo
sabobo2l1b3c: haha so your gettin laid
Nick: i'm married
sabobo2l1b3c: your are the strangest man i have ever
sabobo2l1b3c: how old are u
Nick: 23
sabobo2l1b3c: and your married!
sabobo2l1b3c: is she beutiful?
Nick: as the ocean
sabobo2l1b3c: may i?
sabobo2l1b3c: see a picture
Nick: don't have a camera
sabobo2l1b3c: damn
sabobo2l1b3c: id really like to see the women that u are
married too
Nick: sorry
sabobo2l1b3c: what are her measurments
sabobo2l1b3c: oo i got a question
sabobo2l1b3c: do u like cyrano de bergrac
Nick: haha
sabobo2l1b3c: ?
Nick: the big nosed guy
sabobo2l1b3c: yes
Nick: sure, went to college with him too
sabobo2l1b3c: im him
sabobo2l1b3c: except i cant talk like he can
Nick: oh no?
sabobo2l1b3c: SHES MAD AT ME CUZ I SAID I
Nick: shoulda gone to lunch with her
sabobo2l1b3c: i did
sabobo2l1b3c: but i didnt want to
Nick: shouldn't have said that
sabobo2l1b3c: o come on monsieur
Nick: why didn't you wanna go
sabobo2l1b3c: i was in a bad mood
sabobo2l1b3c: and i didnt want to eat anyhting
sabobo2l1b3c: so we just drove around
sabobo2l1b3c: and i was a dick the whole time
Nick: happens... how old are you
sabobo2l1b3c: 16
Nick: how long you been with her
sabobo2l1b3c: 2 yrs give or take a few months
Nick: so do you love her
sabobo2l1b3c: madly
Nick: so why were you a dick? heh
sabobo2l1b3c: umm i was tired and in a bad mood i
Nick: oh well
sabobo2l1b3c: come on gimme some game to spit
Nick: "i was tired and in a bad mood... i wasn't
hungry... i love you madly"
sabobo2l1b3c: good enough
sabobo2l1b3c: ok i said it
Nick: she's there and you're on the computer?
sabobo2l1b3c: no shes on the computer
sabobo2l1b3c: im talkin to her
sabobo2l1b3c: she said "haha, allright"
Nick: oh on aim... well that's good...
sabobo2l1b3c: yea
sabobo2l1b3c: i was tired and not hungry
too.. u know i hate it when u act like that
sabobo2l1b3c: now what do i say?
Nick: so i guess this is why you mentioned cyrano
de bergerac? but in that case that would make me him...
fine, fits my nose anyway... what do you think you
should say
sabobo2l1b3c: umm idk come on dude im like christian i
got the looks but not the words
Nick: tell her that you're sorry you acted like a dick
and that she's great for not acting like one to you...
Nick: i dunno man it's your relationship... i'm sure
you can handle it
sabobo2l1b3c: ahah
sabobo2l1b3c: yea i can
sabobo2l1b3c: so cyrano what time is it where u are
Nick: 12:11
sabobo2l1b3c: damn in the morning
Nick: my clock's fast though
sabobo2l1b3c: midnight?
Nick: yep
sabobo2l1b3c: your wife asleep?
sabobo2l1b3c: u guys stayin up for a late night romp? or
Nick: i was working and she's visiting her mother
sabobo2l1b3c: do u have children?
Nick: comin up
sabobo2l1b3c: she pregnant?
Nick: so i hear
sabobo2l1b3c: how will u provide on a librarians
meager salary
Nick: nunavut's cheap
sabobo2l1b3c: really
sabobo2l1b3c: how big is your house
Nick: big enough for three of us
sabobo2l1b3c: how many rooms
Nick: 2 bedrooms
sabobo2l1b3c: ooo front yard?
sabobo2l1b3c: backyard?
Nick: snow
Nick: nunavut is in the arctic
sabobo2l1b3c: holy shit
sabobo2l1b3c: why do u want to live there
Nick: it's pretty
sabobo2l1b3c: u cannot enjoy the 1 hour of summer a
Nick: hehe
sabobo2l1b3c: why dont u move to like france
Nick: i like nunavut
sabobo2l1b3c: how bigs the town
Nick: brb
sabobo2l1b3c: allright
Nick: hey
sabobo2l1b3c: yo
Nick: 4000 ppl in the town
sabobo2l1b3c: what and its like 0 degress all the time
Nick: -20 heh
sabobo2l1b3c: how do u leave your house
Nick: i put on my shoes, open the door and walk
sabobo2l1b3c: haha
sabobo2l1b3c: do u snowboard or anything
Nick: no it's flat out here
sabobo2l1b3c: do u have any chains like mcdonalds
Nick: nope thank goodness
sabobo2l1b3c: no supermarkets
Nick: anyway, i gotta sleep... cya around
sabobo2l1b3c: later
June 20th, 2001
eXcellent... C'est le seul mot (la seul?) que je peux utiliser pour
decrire (décrire?) le groupe que je vien de voire.
I've decided to write down all the things that just happened about
3 hours ago so that I'll have a record; eventually I'll forget, I always
do. SEXY GIRL. "There are a lot of sexy girls here tonight."
Can't forget her. Beautiful dress, beautiful face, beautiful everything.
Her theramine (onde martenot?) playing matched her beautiful appearance.
I thought I was going to die; my ribs vibrated like mad and my eardrums
went fucking wild. And for the record, Jonny Greenwood sucks ASS
compared to this girl; she was amazing. Not to mention blueshirt
or glasses. Although I gotta say blueshirt was my pick for the night.
Alright so we got her, the beautiful French girl (beforeI forget, she had
this amazing smile... at the beginning she was kinda unsure of herself
but when we applauded she broke out with this beautiful smile that was
asking for a big hug... a big hug) and then some weird French guy playing
guitar and mumbling into a microphone with crazy distortions added to his
voice. He had this inSaNe red bowtie and a freakish beard and of course
long hair to match -- did I mention he wasn't wearing socks? Beautiful
girl, weird guy exit stage left (right?).
Wait, wait, wait.............................
Oh shit... the poster, the CDs... Postcard... We got a whole lot of
free shit just waiting outside... Okay...
Old Guy = ... well... talented old guy... with his hands in his pockets
("Je suis un 'badass'... sorry old guy, the badass is Jean-Pierre)
Vampire... Jim Morrisson (Morisson? nah two Rs I think) and the crazy
drummer... They played a lot of their new stuff, old stuff... everything...
Le soleil est pres de moi... aw yea... First three (the big T is saying
2, i dunno) songs I didn't really move that much but then when my eye caught
blueshirt dancing away I started going crazy. She had this cute smile
too. Anyways it was great. Jean-Pierre was pimping the whole
time -- especially redhead in the front (Travis' pick for the night btw).
Love's falling like tears from the sun bwahbwahbwahbwah... hooooOOOOOOOOooo!
Next up is Radiohead ("you're 100 times better than Radiohead!") in August...
They better rock cuz a) it cost me $88 and b) that AIR concert is gonna
be insanely hard to topple. It was fucking crazy. Oh shit,
when we were walking to the Metro we saw this fucking awesome Vespa/Vino
(Vina? I think it's Vino). Next time I'm gonna fucking steal it --
I love those. Question of the night: Is it really possible to do that with
a bass? Answer of the night: Jean-Pierre is a badass, so yes it is possible.
Oh yeah, on the way out I thought one shouldered hair frazzle was pretty
cute too. They all seemed at least 20 though, except for glasses
Anyways that concert (AIR I mean, that Kraftwerk just kinda popped
up). Oh and that amazingly beautiful girl, no not blueshirt -- this time
I'm referring to SEXY GIRL (the one who performed with the bowtie manatee)
-- had this crazy mouth sound effect she did that sounded like Razel from
the Roots. Oh and I forgot to mention that the girl on the left of
the Les Nubians poster is amazing, I mean damn. Seriously though,
how do girls grow up to be that pretty? She is just amazingly fine though.
Oh and I don't want a guitar anymore, sitars are WAY in now. But this is
the GURU and I'm out.
April 7, 2001
I’ve finally decided to buy my sorry ass a guitar. Well actually I
recently got this sorry ass a job
so now this sorry ass can finally afford a guitar. I first wanted
to get one way back when, maybe
five years ago when my friend started playing. He was taking
lessons and it sounded pretty cool
and it was definitely fun as hell to mess around with (love those preposition
ending sentences).
Then a couple years back I went to CTY physics camp and my I think
maybe 10/12 of the people
in my dorm had guitars so I had the opportunity to play with some electric
as well as acoustic
guitars. I think one time I borrowed an acoustic and I went to
my room and just played for like
five hours. Of course it was pure trash compared to the musical
bliss that was ‘hide’ playing in
the background but it was amazingly fun. I became really good
friends with one of these guitar
blessed people and subsequently got to play with his electric guitar
a lot more than I probably
should have. Anyways what I’m trying to say is that guitars are
amazingly cool and versatile
instruments and right now I really really really want one, specifically
a Spanish “Cordoba” Classical
Acoustic Guitar. Of course Travis, the voice of the gods, has
told me to buy one more suited to my
lack of talent and hard cash. How could I not obey such logical
advice? And yet that classical
Spanish guitar is whispering in my ear. “You want me” it says and damn
it’s true. Oh well, I’m gonna
go get it with Traveese so he’ll prolly persuade me to get some other
cheaper one. Oh, I’m left-handed
too which doubly screws me but oh well. Hopefully I’ll find something
I like.
Any one read that article in the Washington Post
about the Census results concerning Native
Americans? Went up to 4 million in America from about 1.5 million (I
think, don’t quote me on
that) in the 1990 census. Obviously that has nothing to do with increased
births but apparently the
‘in’ thing to do nowadays is to claim Native American Ancestry.
Obviously I’m not Native
American but I take a Native American Studies course at my school so
the article was interesting
for me. I was gonna write a lot more about this but I don’t really
have too much to say; you should
read the article (the both of you who read this) in the Post. Considering
I just take a course about
Native American Literature and culture I shouldn’t even be talking
about this as I have no real
understanding of anything Native American but you know if you have
time read the article; it’s
interesting. Oh and just in case you have nothing to read try
to find a poem by Louise Erdrich called
“The Strange People”. It’s really quite good and also one by Joy Harjo
called “Remember”. Both of
those are some of my favorite poems ever, not that that matters to
any of you but they’re still good
haha. I would reprint them but with all those copyright laws
I don’t know if I should. Besides, while
you’re looking for those you might come across some other great poetry.
If you do please tell me about
it. Well I’ve nothing else to say so goodnight.
January 12, 2001
I’m gonna come right out and say this… I have a thing for groups with
female singers
(except for Garbage, but that mostly has to do with the genre more
than nething else).
Take the exceptional group Portishead for example. Beth Gibbons
is, in my opinion, one
of the most amazing singers I have ever heard. I’m not talking
in terms of her range or
nething like that, but rather the emotions she puts into her singing.
Bjork is another great
example; she manages to put more emotion in one song than most singers
can in an entire
career. It’s hard to make a focused argument on something so
subjective, but let me just
try and explain.
I generally don’t like to listen to music unless it has really strong
emotions in it or unless
it challenges me in some kind of intellectual manner. Yeah I
realize that last sentence
was really obnoxious but whatever, you catch my drift. Bjork definitely
falls into that
emotional music category whereas more lyrically focused music like
Mos Def would
exemplify the latter.
For those of you who can’t understand what in god’s name I’m talking
about, in terms of
female singers who are full of emotion, pop in Lauryn Hill’s album.
Listen to any of the
tracks on full volume and try not to get affected by her a) great lyrics
and b) amazing
voice; in my mind it’s impossible. And her music is universal
too; I’ve yet to meet neone
who doesn’t like her. When I went to Japan, there was this girl
in my class with whom I
often spoke. I asked her who her favorite artist was expecting
to hear some Japanese
group, and she just smiled and said “Rorin Hiru.” Haha well neways
my anecdote has
nothing really to do with what I was writing, but it does show how
universal music filled
with emotion can be and I tend to think it important that people realize
Honestly, I started writing this 2 months ago when Travis asked me too,
and I can’t really
remember where I was going with it so it’s insanely disjointed, sorry
about that.
November 5, 2000
travis was kind enough to give me some room to type away on his page…
(thanx! haha)
i have no idea who reads this page, so i dun know the "target audience"…
anyways, i guess i'll just write what comes to mind, so if ur bored
with it, or annoyed at
my retarded spelling then u should prolly skip out…
for those that don't know me, i guess i'll just say a few things about
myself that might
clue u in to whatever i end up writing about…
I have to first say that I don't like conflict at all… I always hate
it when people scream at
me or neone, and I've been told im too introverted and moody… that's
what im told
my fave books are spring snow and the temple of the golden pavillion
by mishima yukio,
a gesture life, and native speaker by chang-rae lee, the wind up bird
chronicle by
murakami haruki, dubliners, and portrait of the artist as a young man
by james joyce,
and most books by albert camus… generally books that have interesting
between the characters interest me most… something that changes me
emotionally is the
type that I generally read… same with music, if I don't feel ne emotion
then I prolly won't
like it…
music: (no particular order) x japan, beatles, 2pac, radiohead (although
i don't know them
that well), portishead, ryuichi sakamoto, u2, luna sea, yoo seung jun,
air, common, moby,
hide, ravi shankar, h.o.t. (nostalgiac more than nething), and prolly
lots others that i'm
movies: darkness and light, the emperor and the assasin, ran, joy luck
club, hotaru no
haka, monoke hime, sweet and lowdown, everyone says i love u, annie
hall, city of the
lost children, totoro, beetlejuice and a bunch of others that I can't
i'm kinda getting sick of people at school saying i'm a wannabe asian.
it's just come to a
point where it's annoying "dude, you are obsessed" i've been told a
number of times… so
I have lots of good friends who are asian, and I take japanese… but
why do people really
care that much? it's true, i like japan and korea a lot but why should
that bother someone?
I generally don't really mention nething about "asia" unless someone
directly asks (or in
this case, where I have nothing to write about) yeah, I tend to agree
with the values that
my japanese friends have more than those of my american friends but
I don't see what
that has to do with me being someone's friend at school or what not…
I remember getting
yelled at by someone at school cuz he said something like "asian people
are the most
worthless people I know" and I asked him why… I was assaulted for being
"defensive" and that I should go away… in that case I was simply defending
friends who
happened to fall under the label "asian"… why should I get flakk for
that? and yes, if u
look at the lists above most of them are comprised of asian things,
but why attack the
things I like? so what if I feel more at ease with my asian friends
than with my white
friends, in the end I really don't think that should even matter… who
cares what my
friends are, as long as I have friends and interests then I'm happy…
and I can't see why
neone would want me to be otherwise… some might think I like asian
things just cuz I
"need" an identity, kinda like white people acting black, but in the
end I think if the
majority of my friends were latino or what not I would prolly still
be interested in japan
and korea among other things. they're just things that attract me,
or that make some sense
to me…
i think i've found my quote for the yrbk… it's the last paragraph from
one of my favorite
books (listed above actually, a gesture life)… I don't know why, but
it just works for
some reason, even completely out of context, it just works really well
in my mind… its
kinda hard to describe how I see it… so neways, here it is…
"let me simply bear my flesh, and blood, and bones. I will fly a flag.
Tomorrow, when
this house is alive and full, I will be outside looking in. I will
be already on a walk
someplace, in this town or the nest or one five thousand miles away.
I will circle round
and arrive again. Come almost home."