u)pdate! (jump to next)
*** pipin (joey@ Quit (Quit: moya//bbf3)
<+blackcrystal> ur mothers a whore trebek
<@seano> alex trebek?
<+blackcrystal> its from snl
<@seano> i don't care
<+blackcrystal> dont lie
<@HowIsYa> Ludacris - Greatest Hits (Skit).mp3
<Guest08464> who got SAC KINGZ
<CoLin^N^GuMp> cross hangs
<Guest08464> who got SAC KINGZ
<Guest08464> who got SAC KINGZ
<sLiCk_BiTcH> Screaming gangsta gangsta/yo paper chaser/ima in the
mainfield/ima popin and bopin/And then niggaz see this ass they be floppin…/Bitch
say bounce back and forth/Nigga you wona ryde in my porche/..Igot all the
shit/from bit bit/Bitch screaming lick my clit../ From the B way/ you pop
at the foreplay….
<sLiCk_BiTcH> Repition so ill/Yo chill/u gatz to pay your billz?….Yo
hit this Bitch up/ima smoking on Dub../Bitch nigga ran from the mob/cuz
he couldn't handle the job….
<sLiCk_BiTcH> Bitch^tc is my name/ and XTC is my fame……Yo
this shit iz Lame…
<CoLin^N^GuMp> when push comes to shove i can handle it
<CoLin^N^GuMp> ive learn to take some licks
<CoLin^N^GuMp> im not lookin to get hit but you are
<CoLin^N^GuMp> your far from safety
<CoLin^N^GuMp> im deadly like carter from 3 point range
<CoLin^N^GuMp> u anit safe if u anit near ur gang
<CoLin^N^GuMp> even then i wont heitate to shoot loot n boot
<CoLin^N^GuMp> ive been called a brute
<CoLin^N^GuMp> bitch
<Robbin_Spree> ....
<Robbin_Spree> man....
<CoLin^N^GuMp> what rubin
<Robbin_Spree> SB
<Robbin_Spree> SAD BOY
<CoLin^N^GuMp> i bet u gots beter
<CoLin^N^GuMp> sad boy?
<Robbin_Spree> go clean yo momma's ass SB...
<+foodstamp> I got this naked pic of brad pitt I send out whever
I get a stiffy
<GippGoodie> what up dirty south
<+foodstamp> bitches love me
<+Anonimus^Production^Team> brb
*** LilBowWow (~acelimits@ has joined #rap
<TURKISHQUEEN> yall miss a fine pussy hahaha
<TURKISHQUEEN> ur bad niggazzzzzzz
<brawl> brad pitt word, I send out Gary Coleman pics myself
<GippGoodie> yeah........sure thing
<Tha_Last_Don> turk kiss your own dirty tits and say good by to
your pussy aight
<TURKISHQUEEN> yall miss a fine pussy hahaha
<+foodstamp> oh really?
<+foodstamp> I bet bitches are all over that midget cock huh
<TURKISHQUEEN> ur bad niggazzzzzzz
<brawl> hell yea
<brawl> midget pr0n rocks you people
<HowIsYa> did you know he's a virgin? he said so on fX!'s show 'the
<+foodstamp> fuck yea
<Tha_Last_Don> i m black
<TURKISHQUEEN> sorry punk as niggas
<TURKISHQUEEN> yall miss a fine pussy hahaha
<brawl> Girls can fake orgamsms yet guys can fake entire relationships...
<GippGoodie> hit what bitch
<Tha_Last_Don> turkishqueen fuck your dirty mouth
<TURKISHQUEEN> i got tah finest booty & tettas niggas
<Tha_Last_Don> ha ha ha
<TURKISHQUEEN> & u nevah gonna taste em
<TURKISHQUEEN> i got tah finest booty & tettas niggas
<TURKISHQUEEN> & u nevah gonna taste em
<+foodstamp> Turkishqueen,..more then 3/4 of us live in the fuckin
united states,...another 1/2 of us wont even go over seas
<TURKISHQUEEN> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
<TURKISHQUEEN> so don tripp niggas
<GippGoodie> lol
<+foodstamp> & the other 100% dont give a fuck about your pussy
<+foodstamp> there are 48574856859768457684576809 fine ass girls
in this world
<GippGoodie> i just don't give a fuck
<Tha_Last_Don> so u think turkey is betta dan USA
<+foodstamp> & maybe if I see that chick in the pic you sent
out,..i'll rape her
<nesa`> yup im a part of the 48574856859768457624576809
<TURKISHQUEEN> he u mean me
*** jayvee (~SHAMAZ111@ has joined #christmas
<jayvee> last christms
<jayvee> i gave you my heart
<jayvee> but the very next day
<jayvee> you give it away
<jayvee> :)
<debby_0> nice
*** CoolpEoplE (steventai@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<jayvee> merry xmas to all!!!!!
*** Rudder^ (raistlin@CPE0080C6E92D53.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has
joined #christmas
*** Rudder^ (raistlin@CPE0080C6E92D53.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has
left #christmas
<@Acestar> ahh friday i get to go beatin kids wit bats
<@Acestar> one of my boys got cut today
<@Acestar> so friday we goin lookin for them
<howisya> you gonna talk it out like adults?
<@Acestar> no we gonna play sharades
<@Acestar> n who evers better.. is better.
*** You were kicked by Acestar (kickedisya)
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #rap
*** Topic is 'humbles girlfriend: http://ace-star.hypermart.net/hotgyrl420boobs.jpg'
*** Set by Acestar on Thu Nov 22 01:51:02
<@Lady-Cr0nic> hrm
<@Lady-Cr0nic> Who wants my new pic?
<@Acestar> send it mel
<howisya> if you look better than the ugly bitch in the topic
<+Ekleptek> thats nasty YO
<+Ekleptek> that girl is about hot as rockin a tanktop in the artic
<@Robi-makes-a-good-boy> MY FIBULA!
*** deviral (sozo@anii48v8y245f.ab.hsia.telus.net) has joined #NiN
<+HowIsYa> suck a coccyx
<@Robi-makes-a-good-boy> my ass is so fuckin hot...god its a nice
<deviral> ...
* deviral fears robyn
<psychosphere> yes it is a nice ass
<thevetat> indeed
<psychosphere> it needs a good hard cock in it
<@Robi-makes-a-good-boy> ...
<+HowIsYa> or two good hard cocks
<+HowIsYa> who's that?
<deviral> I'm sure she would if you were being yourself
<@Robi-makes-a-good-boy> a fuckwad.
<engineered> thats why i dont talk to her?
<deviral> Heh
<deviral> sure
<+HowIsYa> so much drama on the I-R-C sometimes it's kinda hard
being T-R-A-V-I-S C
*** Now talking in #bjork
*** Topic is 'i heard radiohead the other day and they were boring'
*** Set by brygo on Wed Apr 17 20:37:33
* bjorkcita esperando a SirBjork
<bjorkcita> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<AlbertCamus> and you're gonna get stuffed BEBE!!!!!!!!
<AlbertCamus> stuft crust
<Queen_Adrock> wow, that sounds promising :P
<AlbertCamus> hahaha
<AlbertCamus> don't you want to get your crust stuft?
<Queen_Adrock> well i just dont ususlly refer to it as my "crust"
<AnGe[L_C]ItY> hey
<@AlbertCamus> hey angel! come sit on my lap!!!!!
<@AlbertCamus> o_O
<@AlbertCamus> i'll read you my books.
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> O_O?
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> what books?
<@AlbertCamus> <---
<a-valium-please> we must never be apart.
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> ok man
<@AlbertCamus> when life is a play you must surely act your part
/ stuffin' bitches crusts till their mouths start to fart
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> i have to leave now
<@AlbertCamus> we'll miss you homey
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> O_O?
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> i'm man.. dude what the fuck
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> xD
<HomESicK_AlieN_17> ok bye men
*** HomESicK_AlieN_17 (morey@AC891B31.ipt.aol.com) has left #radiohead
<@Babys_on_fire> you got total recorder?
<@Lazarus__Long> im ok fire
<@h0wisya> i have total recorder, yes
<@Babys_on_fire> then rerecord the 128's
<@Babys_on_fire> and encode to
<@Babys_on_fire> 192
<@h0wisya> hahah
<@h0wisya> it's not that simple
<@Babys_on_fire> i guess it isn't
<@h0wisya> you can't tell for some music
<@h0wisya> but you can for others, especially music that is electronics
oriented or just really layered
<@h0wisya> it sounds crisper in 192
<@Babys_on_fire> i tried encoding the original version of i'm afraid
of americans from a real audio file
<@Babys_on_fire> and the person i sent it complained about the quality
<@h0wisya> haha
<@h0wisya> i bet
<@h0wisya> real audio sounds terrible
<@Babys_on_fire> eno doesn't make it easy
<`KillMesarah> hi qball7200
<@mRwTF> lo.. wtf do you want `KillMesarah
<qball7200> mrwtf, i want you to keep that dildo i gave you in your
mouth at all times
*** Gen-Tree (raistlin@65-45-140-5-min-01.cvx.algx.net) has joined #radiohead
<Gen-Tree> hmmm
<Gen-Tree> #radiohead on EFnet is better
<Gen-Tree> yeah
*** Gen-Tree (raistlin@65-45-140-5-min-01.cvx.algx.net) Quit (Quit:
(I was using Polaris IRC 2001) Version:(4.0 Platinum) Webpage:(http://www.polaris-central.com)
Wasted:(58 Seconds Online))
@seano> get out of the line of fire when i pee, travis
<@SenorVivo> i have a weird lump under my skin on my stomach
<Eddiewithshorthair> that's because you always let seano go in your
<@SenorVivo> i hope it's not skin cancer
<@seano> it's not skin cancer
<@Titsworth_Courier> it's a turd
<@SenorVivo> heh
<@SenorVivo> i didn't really think it was
<@SenorVivo> dunno what it is though
*** [HardTI] is now known as AttackOfTheClones
<@Titsworth_Courier> stupid title (clones)
<@seano> you're pregnant!
<@howisya> it's a raw night, who wants to bar fight?
<+ReVol> i got a mars
<+ReVol> you take the snickers
<+ReVol> let's get it on
<+Queen_Adrock> that was cute
<polka-dot> hey travis..you seein radiohead this weekend?
<+Queen_Adrock> .. it took me 3 weeks to download the soggy bottom
*** hotguy_USA (morelala@ has joined #radiohead
*** hotguy_USA (morelala@ has left #radiohead
* beezwax 's got nestle 400 gramms chocolate bar and a bottle of vodka,
that's the way pf becomming an alcoholic
<+Queen_Adrock> oh man.. hot guy usa sounded hot
<beezwax> Queen_Adrock: sounded like...bush?!
<+Queen_Adrock> bush huh?
*** Now talking in #0!killmywife
*** jack99 (only@ip-Digital-TC-060.indo.net.id) has joined #0!killmywife
<@howisya> hi, wanna be jacked off in indonesia?
<jack99> hehe why ru married..
*** jack99 (only@ip-Digital-TC-060.indo.net.id) has left #0!killmywife
<pochosway> hi howwi
<@mRwTF> yo pochosway
<pochosway> nice yo meet u
<pochosway> sup mrwtf :)
<DarKyGiRL> mrwtf> he is FUCKOP ajajaja
<pochosway> LOL
<pochosway> asl mrwtf?
<DarKyGiRL> juajauajau
<DarKyGiRL> <pochosway> asl mrwtf?> GAY!
<pochosway> jajajajajaja
<pochosway> hmmm
<@howisya> señorito
<DarKyGiRL> +/-MALE
<pochosway> LOL
<pochosway> señorito loool
<James17> If any of the band members has a thing for cows, it's definitely
<VandalGiRL> byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<James17> Look at Phil during the concerts he's always int he back
and who knows what he's doing
<James17> probably jerking off or something
<+Juliette> lollll
<+Juliette> im fresh off the boat
<Mijacogeo> a friend of mine, who lives down in texas, said that
<Mijacogeo> that her boyfriend (who happened to be mexican) was
<+Juliette> lollllll
<Mijacogeo> yeah.. me and my other friend had a good laugh at her
expense, after she left. heh
<+Juliette> eh?
<Mijacogeo> er.
<Mijacogeo> well, like..
<Mijacogeo> oh
<Mijacogeo> nevermind
<Mijacogeo> heh
* Mijacogeo is too tired to explain.
<+Juliette> lol
*** Nagi_ (~Nagi@1Cust125.tnt8.beaverton.or.da.uu.net) has joined #radiohead
<Nagi_> back for now
<+ReVol> back for skin
<Nagi_> *shrugs*
<Nagi_> so is there anything special about the "limited edition
Kid A"?
<+tea-towel> yes
<+tea-towel> it is limited
<Nagi_> sugoi!
<Nagi_> and the cover's messed up
<+tea-towel> no
<+tea-towel> you're messed up sucka
<Money_Jane> hey
<Nagi_> ...
<Money_Jane> what song was that
<Nagi_> no way to talk to a girl
* Money_Jane thinks
<Nagi_> hmph
<Nagi_> ha matta
*** Nagi_ (~Nagi@1Cust125.tnt8.beaverton.or.da.uu.net) has left #radiohead
<+tea-towel> suka
<+tea-towel> couldnt take the heat
*** [kill]D`president (alien@ has joined #radiohead
<@HowIsYa> :)
* [kill]D`president hi all
<+silent> [kill]D`president, i bet you're the life of any federal
*** [kill]D`president (alien@ Quit (Quit: ^DOKTER_JIWA)
<+silent> that was a terrible icebreaker.
<Queen_Adrock> ..my room is vibrating
<@seano> aren't you the happiest girl in north america
<chakbull> hello
<chakbull> what's up with radiohead ?
<@howisya> they're covering gaye people
<@howisya> ironically, for an aids benefit
<@howisya> i like what you do to me.
<chakbull> they did cover what ?
<@howisya> i like what you give to me.
<John_Blaylock> you know that chilean race driver eliseo salazar?
<John_Blaylock> he has more metal parts than a Tonka truck
<Crasus> hehe
<Crasus> is his dick metal to
<netspread> Yep
<netspread> He has a metal wang
<Crasus> hehe
*** RickyStan (Hej@pc104.net17.koping.net) has left #radiohead
<John_Blaylock> i hope not
<John_Blaylock> what if it rusted?
<netspread> stainless steel?
<John_Blaylock> yeh
<John_Blaylock> true
<John_Blaylock> titanium
<Crasus> thtas funny
<John_Blaylock> his wife probably makes put a sweater over it
<HAGAN_COLA_Y_CHUPENME_LA_PIJA> let´s fuck comunnism
<ruse> all are suck~~~~~~~~
<ruse> thom yorke sing like small girl plz
<Dan_GeRadio> so why the f*ck r u here?
<@howisya> :)
<Dan_GeRadio> thom has a gift
<Azuruski> u dont even talk right ruse
<ruse> gift of all suck~~~
<Azuruski> wtf?
<Dan_GeRadio> he can sing in a very high level, which is GOOD
<Azuruski> u dont make sense either
<ruse> thom yorke dogsex~~ all sing suck~~~
*** spava (~vapid@ has joined #radiohead
<+Queen_Adrock> oh love cruise.. how dishy
* spava rolls eyes
*** spava (~vapid@ Quit (Quit: and did you exchange a
walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?)
<@HowIsYa> what a cunt
<@HowIsYa> who is that
<+CactusXXIII> Ç:)
<+CactusXXIII> it's my French cap...
<+Queen_Adrock> now thats cute
<+Queen_Adrock> my leg is bleeding
<redmond_sgt> hi lorena
<@HowIsYa> then stop menstruating
<+oogy> i suck
<redmond_sgt> lorena, do you like basquiat
<redmond_sgt> ?
<+pollyjean> im 18
<redmond_sgt> are you going to school?
<+Queen_Adrock> ok first of all, you dont mentrate out you leg
[01:07] <ev0l> LAWRANCE
[01:07] <ev0l> WHAT THE FUCK
[01:07] <ev0l> GODDAMNIT
[01:07] <ev0l> dont' send shit like that to me
[01:08] <@[TOM1]> lol
[01:08] <@thanny> hahah what he send?
[01:08] <@[TOM1]> what happened?
[01:08] <@sheelanagig> whats the matter?
[01:08] <@sheelanagig> double anal sex
[01:08] <@sheelanagig> the sylvia saint mpg
[01:08] <ev0l> thats so sick
[01:08] <@sheelanagig> anal sex?
[01:09] <@sheelanagig> aint nothin wrong with some sodomy
[01:09] <gold_> I sent it at Elle's behest. Plus, I figured
the title might give a clue as to its contents.
[01:09] <ev0l> THATS DOUBLE ANAL
[01:09] <ev0l> thats just SICK
[01:10] <@sheelanagig> i have triple anal
[01:10] <@sheelanagig> you want that obie?
[01:10] <ev0l> you have taken three penis in your own asshole elle?
[01:10] <@sheelanagig> me personally?
[01:10] <@sheelanagig> no
[01:10] <@sheelanagig> have you?
[01:11] <@[TOM1]> haha
[01:11] <@[TOM1]> i thought you were southern, obie
[01:11] <ev0l> ?
[01:12] <@sheelanagig> ?
[01:12] <@[TOM1]> gang banging
[01:12] <@[TOM1]> i have a mp3 with eso rapping about gang banging
[01:12] <@sheelanagig> thats not a real gang bang
[01:12] <@sheelanagig> thats just a 3some anal sex thing
[01:13] <ev0l> no you don't
[01:13] <ev0l> there are no mp3's of eso singing
[01:13] <@[TOM1]> yes, i do!
[01:13] <@[TOM1]> it was on static's site
[01:13] <@[TOM1]> caseyafterschool
[01:13] <ev0l> casey never made any mp3 using his own vioce
[01:13] <@[TOM1]> casey raps about gangbanging in his southern accent
and then his mom yells at him
[01:14] <ev0l> static made that
[01:14] <@sheelanagig> obie are you living with the mormons now?
[01:14] <ev0l> not casey, casey has never used is voice in a recording
[01:14] <ev0l> no, elle
[01:14] <@sheelanagig> oh
[01:14] <@[TOM1]> why not?
[01:14] <@[TOM1]> elle says he sounds like forrest gump on crack
[01:14] <@[TOM1]> is that why he doesn't use his voice?
[01:15] <ev0l> casey doesn't sound like forrest gump
[01:16] <@sheelanagig> yes he does
[01:16] <ev0l> you sound like a drunk slut
[01:16] <@sheelanagig> record him saying "life is like a box of
chocolates, you never know what youre going to get."
[01:16] <@sheelanagig> it would be identical
[01:16] <@[TOM1]> lmao!
[01:16] <@sheelanagig> i am a drunk slut
[01:16] <ev0l> but the only time i heard your voice was when you
were drunk
[01:17] <ev0l> casey won't use his voice because he can't sing at
[01:17] <ev0l> ingird
[01:17] <@sheelanagig> he cant talk tho
[01:17] <@[TOM1]> oh ok
[01:17] <ev0l> i have known casey my entire life
[01:17] <@sheelanagig> he's not a mute, is he?
[01:17] <ev0l> i GREW up with him
[01:18] <ev0l> he doesn't sound like a mentally handicaped kid from
the deep south
[01:18] <@sheelanagig> have you gang banged with him?
[01:18] <@sheelanagig> muhahaha
[21:23] <@[TOM1]> and the thing is she thinks she's a great writer
[21:23] <@[TOM1]> i bet thanny will love her crazy aim messages
[21:24] <@[TOM1]> "so sleep well, american, knowing that i crushed
the apples to
make your apple juice, that i shaved my puppy to make your fuzzy pool
that i sold my children to buy a ticket to come to this country to
work in a
puzzle factory. sleep well.
[21:24] <@mariacallasimposter> she could write the dialoug to pornos
[21:24] <@[TOM1]> lmao
[21:25] <@[TOM1]> i wish we could get sandra to come into #nin00
[21:25] <@[TOM1]> that girl would be so funny
[21:26] <@mariacallasimposter> yeah but then casey would beat her
[21:28] <@[TOM1]> haha
[21:28] <@[TOM1]> or sodomize her
[21:30] <@mariacallasimposter> lol
[21:32] <@[TOM1]> that girl has to be fucked up
[21:32] <@[TOM1]> her family site has a picture of her miscarriaged
baby on it
[21:32] <@mariacallasimposter> i was just going to say that
[21:32] <@mariacallasimposter> wackos
[00:19] <alizarin> when is casey not pissed off
[00:19] <@Myc> when he's got his thumb up his girlfriends ass.
[00:20] <@Myc> or hers in his.
[00:20] <alizarin> hm.. yeah.
[00:52] <@mariacallasimposter> sandra will be in an animal farm porno
[00:52] <@[TOM1]> NC is the place to be
[00:53] <@[TOM1]> farm living is the life for me
[00:53] <@mariacallasimposter> obviously
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:55] *** [TOM1] is now known as [tom|fishfuck]
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:55] <@}static{> charming.
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:55] <@con4cyn> fishfuck?
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:55] <[tom|fishfuck]> that's the
name of the song the psychosphere did for littlehalo and elle!
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:56] <[tom|fishfuck]> so when they're
famous, aimee and l will have that song
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:56] * @_lou shakes her head
[15:57] <@[tom|fishfuck]> [15:57] <middie8> *cough*
[15:57] <nodiehome> there's no humour in that channel
[15:58] <@[tom|fishfuck]> yeah
[15:58] <@[tom|fishfuck]> i say something silly and they all think
i'm crazy
[15:58] <@[tom|fishfuck]> or stupid
[15:58] <j-bbl> John is such a cocksucker
[15:58] <nodiehome> all the ops are sitting on large sticks
[15:59] <@[tom|fishfuck]> heh. but some of them are nice
[15:59] <nodiehome> heh. a couple
[15:59] <@[tom|fishfuck]> ;)
[16:00] <@mariacallasimposter> pyschosphere is like a hundred times
better than leviathant and meathead
[16:01] <@mariacallasimposter> aimee and i laughed so hard at this
mp3 we were in tears
[16:01] <j-bbl> psychosphere is better than trent
[16:01] <@[tom|fishfuck]> or impulse3
[16:01] <@mariacallasimposter> give is also a good sport
[16:01] <@mariacallasimposter> he's going to cover a basement jaxx
[16:02] <j-bbl> I just wish I didnt have to fly to Oregon and watch
the band play in the lunchroom. They need to launch a world tour.
[00:25] <@[TOM1]> i thought you already met nicole
[00:26] <@[TOM1]> at the nin show
[00:26] <@thanny> muahahaha
[00:26] <@[TOM1]> oh yeah
[00:26] <ev0l> yes, nyyx lives very close to nc state
[00:26] <ev0l> nichole hates me
[00:26] <@thanny> oh jesus depeche mode man is sexah.
[00:26] <@thanny> i hate eveyrone obie.
[00:26] <ev0l> un requited love is the only kind of love i like
[00:26] <@thanny> have you been drinking again?
[00:26] <@thanny> me too.
[00:27] <ev0l> no, to drink four nights in a row is bad
[01:49] * [TOM1|editing] drinks warm diet coke
[01:49] <esinem> fags and fads were never that sophisticated.
[01:49] * alizarin falls into a deep coma
[01:49] * @HueyLewisAndTheNews sips his fancy grocery stoer wine
[01:49] <[TOM1|editing]> casey is a drunk
[01:49] <@RoyRogers> does it come in a box?
[01:49] <@HueyLewisAndTheNews> YES!
[01:50] <[TOM1|editing]> lol
[01:50] <@HueyLewisAndTheNews> its also non-alcoholic
[01:50] <@HueyLewisAndTheNews> lik eme!
[01:50] <[TOM1|editing]> ah-ha, yeah right
[01:50] * @RoyRogers comes in a box
[22:39] <broken[wish]> obie has no penis.
[22:39] <PIE_BOT> he's right
[22:40] <@RoyRogers> then how do you use a urinal?
[22:40] <broken[wish]> i know.
[22:40] <DarkDiva> how sad
[22:40] <broken[wish]> he doesn't.
[22:40] <broken[wish]> he only uses casey's mouth.
[22:40] <@RoyRogers> i've seen pictures.
[22:41] <AmishHacker> sick
[01:47] <PIE_BOT> let me pose a question to you guys
[01:47] <@Myc> pose in a bikini.
[01:47] <PIE_BOT> if i urinated the alcoholic beverage of your choice
[01:47] <PIE_BOT> would you drink it?
[01:47] <alizarin> naked
[01:47] <alizarin> no bikini
[01:48] <@Myc> I wouldn't drink anything that came out of your body.
[01:48] <PIE_BOT> even if it was pure Grey Goose Vodka?
[01:48] <[TOM1|weezer]> my grandmother has a peeing statue
[01:49] <[TOM1|weezer]> water comes out of the little boy's dick
[01:49] <[TOM1|weezer]> i have some interesting pics with it
[01:49] <PIE_BOT> drinking statue urine?
[01:49] <alizarin> that's great. no really. it is.
[01:50] <[TOM1|weezer]> water
[01:50] <PIE_BOT> is it coming out of his penis?
[01:50] <[TOM1|weezer]> yes
[01:51] <PIE_BOT> if it is, then the statue is urinating the water
[01:51] <PIE_BOT> making it statue urine
[01:51] <[TOM1|weezer]> you could put it that way
[01:51] <PIE_BOT> i did
[01:51] <PIE_BOT> and i will from now on
[01:52] * PIE_BOT remembers once that casey said he would jack a dog
off for $1000
[01:52] * PIE_BOT checks his bank account
[01:52] <PIE_BOT> it's time to put his hand where the penis is
[01:53] <@Myc> Would you jack off Casey for $1000?
[01:53] <PIE_BOT> hell fucking no
[01:53] <PIE_BOT> would you?
[01:54] <@Myc> I don't think I'd even touch him for $1000.
[01:54] <PIE_BOT> i would have sex with a pretty girl for $1000
[01:55] <@Myc> ew!
[01:55] <PIE_BOT> thats right, i'm a prositute
[01:56] <PIE_BOT> my "sweet lovin'" can be bought and sold
[01:56] <PIE_BOT> if your a pretty girl
[16:08] <[TOM1]> that reminds me
[16:08] <@con4cyn> hi jay
[16:08] <[TOM1]> i need to get the micheal jackson glove and mask
set to protect me from anthrax
[16:08] <gub> hi
[16:08] <[TOM1]> wb gub
[16:08] <@|esoteric|> the band or the disease?
[16:08] <AmishHacker> haha
[16:08] <[TOM1]> both
[23:42] <mariacallasimposter> ok pleaze don't tell him i asked cause
then he will kill me
[23:42] <DarkDiva> hehe. can do.
[23:43] <DarkDiva> my lips are sealed.
[23:43] <mariacallasimposter> and hopefully so is your vagina
[23:43] <DarkDiva> last time i checked it was.
[12:04] <mariacallasimposter> if pie_bot and casey were at the tool
show i went to i would introduce them to my big black friend
[12:04] <mariacallasimposter> to sodomize them
[12:04] <jelloqueen> haha they would love that elle
[22:53] <[TOM1]> she always stays on it for a long time...her computer
is going to melt
[22:53] <@poontangstein> yeah, fuck you buddy.
[22:53] <DarkDiva> hehe
[22:53] <Ekstase> dude, dd is underage!
[22:53] <DarkDiva> so?
[22:53] <broken[wish]> mel has been on 3 days 22 hours
[22:53] <[TOM1]> yep
[22:54] <Ekstase> hehe.
[22:54] <@poontangstein> spain is on all the time, ingrid.
it never melts.
[22:54] <[TOM1]> i thought computers melt
[22:54] <@poontangstein> uh huh.
[22:54] <PIE_BOT> christ al mighty
[22:54] <[TOM1]> cause when i melt elle, she told me she had to
put her laptop in the freezer
[22:54] <[TOM1]> cause it overheated
[22:54] <[TOM1]> met
[22:54] <[TOM1]> -l
[22:54] <DarkDiva> heh
[22:54] <PIE_BOT> elle says alot of things
[22:54] * @RoyRogers melts elle with a magnifying glass.
[22:54] <PIE_BOT> most of them are lies
[16:01] <@spankenstein> Caseys girlfriend can't lick her own nipple.
[16:02] <@spankenstein> I asked her yesterday.
[16:02] <@Jay``> haha
[16:02] <@sheelanagig> can casey lick her nipple?
[16:02] <@[TOM1]> the elite hacker
[16:02] *** [TOM1] is now known as [EliteHackerTom]
[16:02] <@spankenstein> I bet all 3 girls in here could lick their
own nipples.
[16:03] <@sheelanagig> yup i can
[16:03] <@Jay``> try it ingrid
[16:04] <@Jay``> wtf are you doing elle
[16:04] <@middie8> yeah
[16:04] <@sheelanagig> licking my nipple
[16:06] <@spankenstein> I can't lick my own nipple. I'd bust
my head off.
<jelloqueen> It has come to my attention that Sandra is really Obie
in drag. Hahaha. for more go here. This place rocks
<jelloqueen> http://www.egao.com/relationships/esotericsgirlfriend/index.html
<@Myc> you should dump sandra and go gay with obie, casey.
<PIE_BOT> no, that would be a bad thing
<@|esoteric|> i should!
[01:35] <PIE_BOT> no, but an apartment full of fuckers tired to pull
one over on me and intemidate me
[01:35] <PIE_BOT> and then, you'll love this
[01:36] <PIE_BOT> one of them reccognized me from high school
[01:36] <PIE_BOT> and then the rest did too
[01:36] <PIE_BOT> and the fucking got scared as hell
[01:36] <PIE_BOT> i have this reputation that i never did anything
to diserve
[01:36] <PIE_BOT> people think i am psychotic, i don't know why
[01:37] <PIE_BOT> one was like "oh shit, just give him the money
before something happens"
[01:37] <PIE_BOT> i doubt my boss would like it if he heard that
his costomers where afraid of his newest delievery boy
[01:41] <@jelloqueen> hey elle, who owns this channel
[01:41] <+[ScarletTom]> while she was on it
[01:41] <@not_koth> im suprised tom1 isnt banned from nin99
[01:42] <@not_koth> i own this channel
[01:42] <@jelloqueen> does myc had sop's?
[01:42] <+[ScarletTom]> and if it wasn't for mycah telling you,
elle and middie about sandra's church activites
[01:43] <+[ScarletTom]> that site probably would have died after
a couple days
[01:43] <@not_koth> no esoteric told me about getting a blow job
in church
[01:44] <@jelloqueen> he told everyone in chat a while ago
[01:44] <+[ScarletTom]> well, middie when she was here said myc
told her that when i asked for stuff to put on the page
[01:44] <+[ScarletTom]> lmao
[01:44] <@jelloqueen> the thing is, that this is the fucking internet.
and they dont
understand that. they treat it liek real life
[01:44] <+[ScarletTom]> gawd, what a slut. i wouldn't let
my boyfriend say crap about me like that online
[01:44] <@not_koth> they must lead sad lives
[01:45] <+[ScarletTom]> heh
[01:45] <@jelloqueen> well, myc is a geek
[01:45] <@not_koth> cause i cant take the internet seriously
[23:08] <@[TOM1]> eso is jealous of peace
[23:08] <@middie8> :P
[23:08] <@[TOM1]> and we want to tease him using the picture
[23:08] <@middie8> i'm priceless!
[23:09] <@[TOM1]> we want to show him what a real man looks like
[23:09] <@middie8> ew, he's not a real man
[23:09] <@[TOM1]> yeah
[23:09] <@[TOM1]> but it makes eso pissed when i say he is
[23:09] <@[TOM1]> and i love doing that
[23:09] <@[TOM1]> making him pissed that is
[23:09] <@GentleRed> casey hates him so much.
[23:10] <@middie8> i'm just pissed cause he insults me for no reason
[23:10] <@GentleRed> and why does casey hate him?
[23:10] <@GentleRed> because, as he says, "he's an asshole and he's
[23:10] <@GentleRed> HOkay.
[23:10] <@Jay``> he wont enter his anus?
[23:10] <@[TOM1]> as casey said to me repetively, "peace*ror is
not good-looking in real life"
[23:10] <@GentleRed> I don't understand...where is jason hanging
around now, I thought
he went away
[23:10] <@[TOM1]> he's jealous of peace's 9 inch dick
[23:10] <@GentleRed> actually, he is.
[23:11] <@GentleRed> well, I thought so.
[23:11] <@GentleRed> he showed me his dick once on webcam..it was
good sized.
[23:11] <@sheelanagig> he shows everyone his penis
[23:11] <@[TOM1]> peace or eso?
[23:11] <@GentleRed> jasons
[23:11] <@sheelanagig> esotric is peeshy
[23:12] <@[TOM1]> oh
[23:12] <@GentleRed> casey is too se;f concious
[23:12] <@[TOM1]> i see
[23:12] <@[TOM1]> yeah, i kinda of doubted casey would
[23:12] <@GentleRed> +s
[23:12] <@middie8> lol, he threatened that i wouldn't be able to
go in nin99
[23:12] <@GentleRed> casey just talks about how much he'd love to
take you out to some romantic secluded romantic creek and tuck your hair
behind you ear and smile at you. yak.
<+tearsrh> back off
<+tearsrh> i'd eat the corn out of travis' shit
<@howisya> you are so sweet
<+tearsrh> no baby
<+tearsrh> your fecies are
<+tearsrh> yo t-dogg whats your site address?
<@howisya> :))) true
<@howisya> howisya.tripod.com apparently
<+tearsrh> spank you
<@howisya> ok
<+tearsrh> i believe in god
<+oogy> i believe in RAWKING IT TO RUSSIA
<+tearsrh> i believe in taking my big toe and jam in the clef
of your inflamed sphinctor
<+oogy> k
<+tearsrh> see, the spelling was off,but you getthe idea eh
<@howisya> :D
<+oogy> then let me throw small pebbles at you
<+oogy> and call you names
<@howisya> say you and me as you pull the trigger!
<+oogy> MY NAME IS AL
<+oogy> I LIKE TO COOK
<+oogy> woof
<+tearsrh> i love you
<+oogy> Woof
<+tearsrh> let my plop a 10 centimeter turd down your throat
<+tearsrh> goddamn it my spelling...i sound like a mexican
<+tearsrh> MY NAME IS BABA
<@howisya> baba looey
<+tearsrh> I LIKE TO SPREAD goddamn ky jelly all ovah yo mamma's
back while I secrete my juice in her scalp
<@howisya> hehhehe :) me too
<+oogy> poor mamma
<+oogy> she was so proud of her scalp
*** tea-towel (ghfhgfhgf@host62-7-148-73.webport.bt.net) has joined
<DarKyGiRL> tea tea coffe:oP
<tea-towel> hi
<DarKyGiRL> ufis
*** howisya sets mode: +v tea-towel
*** howisya sets mode: +v DarKyGiRL
<+DarKyGiRL> ohhhh i´m crucificate!
<+DarKyGiRL> i´m feeling like jesus
<+DarKyGiRL> :oP
<+DarKyGiRL> OMG!
<+tea-towel> thanks travis
<+DarKyGiRL> thanks howichiki!
<@howisya> ;)
<@howisya> don't mention it, fellas!!
<+DarKyGiRL> i´m bored
<+DarKyGiRL> what is fellas teacher?
<@howisya> it means underwear
<+DarKyGiRL> ufiss
<@SenorVivo> have you been here the whole time?
<@mRwTF> time is probably a nonspatial continuum in which events
occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present
to the future.
*** EddieVedder- (neo@rdu25-18-146.nc.rr.com) has joined #radiohead
<EddieVedder-> awww, where's yourass
<@HowIsYa> bleeding her cunt over some giggalo's chapped lips
<+tifferina> :O
<+Fourier> Bjork is a goddess ;)
<Daftboy> que pasa
<John_Blaylock> all of those bjork parties
<Daftboy> bjork es medio loca
<@HowIsYa> bjork's the best
<+Fourier> plus her breast is lovely :P
<Daftboy> but shes kind of nice
<John_Blaylock> bjork's the breast?
<John_Blaylock> :P
<CactusXXIII> i like Orbital a lot
<howisya> ok...
<CactusXXIII> tell me sth about your life, if you don't mind it
<howisya> what do you want to know?
<CactusXXIII> Brazilians teetees monkeys :|
<howisya> teetees?
<CactusXXIII> by reading your plans, it seems you haven't got girlfriend
<dukstore> quak :O
<@yourass> dukstore, can I buy a duck from you, my cat needs
some entertainment
<dukstore> I suppose so!
*** Empyreal (styn@dialup-
has joined #radiohead
<dukstore> (Buy one, get one free!)
*** My-invisible-friends (None@p11.haifa6.actcom.co.il) has joined
*** Empyreal (styn@dialup-
has left #radiohead
<@howisya> hehe quite true
*** Now talking in #nin
*** Topic is '<psychosphere> every now and then i have these dreams
where i'm fuckin the scooby doo group in a huge gang bang while i torture
porky pig :| oh well <Violen> are you taggin daphney, velma
or fred'
*** Set by Violen on Wed Nov 14 06:52:23
<Gage> God shouldn't make a world where nobody dies
<Gage> People should make a world where nobody dies, at least wrongfully
<+oogy> if god exists, he should destroy humanity right now
<+ReVol> i'm working on it
<+oogy> funny guy
<+oogy> funny funny guy
<+ReVol> 1270 bitch!
<beth-a-roo> he pooped
<beth-a-roo> yeahhhhh
<beth-a-roo> :)
<beth-a-roo> only 8 days
<beth-a-roo> he pisses on britney spears
<beth-a-roo> i bought a shirt cut it up and turned it in to diper
<japogenic> Daft Punk?? I love their videos! Full of anime! *__*
<cRuNcH1E> i nearly did shit my leg off when i found out
<Ketchup_Man> Pstaxis - I am interested in the use of parallelogram matrices as diigital representations of phyllotaxis (plant growth patterns)
<middie8> if you think about it, we all kind of suck
<violentmoan> the kitten is trying to get into jamie's mouth for beer
<pretty-speeches> hey....this little fish is immersing her soul in love
<go_die> i bet librarians are quiet in bed
<Ekleptik> damn ausi bitches, they do drive byes the way they do in the hood, they go out on rallys and toss boomerangs and shit
<LudwidvanBeethoven> japanese girls masturbate very well
<QualityGirl> your borring everyong
<{^^O_o^^}> u speak in very hight speed.
<illogik> i am NOT one to be grossed out at all, but pissing in two streams from a peice of ass corn just dont sit right with me.
<Floriduh18m> well, they'd better build the next WTC underground
<HAGAN_COLA_Y_CHUPENME_LA_PIJA> russia is so sad with all those mac donalds fucking all around
<Azuruski> i didnt even knowtice
<CD||> hey...if u wannna chat wit that language so go 2 #Go2Hell
<@Jay``> ask her if casey uses to holy water to clean his penis off after getting head
<@mariacallasimposter> esoteric is from the south, he likes anal sex with good god fearing underage jesus lovin freaks
<@jelloqueen> i love the ladies that cant hold their bleeding vagina's over the toliet and get blood down the toliet
<PIE_BOT> casey's pretty into anal masturbation with cheez wiz
<@mRwTF> Well, kid a is the sound of a bunch of lepers peelin each others fucked up skin off
<CoLin^N^GuMp> what.. u better shut it ur ull end up in a ditch bitch
<@seano> i could go for some lego up my ass right now
<littleHalo> fuck that lawrence... i would rather roll around in shit
<garytheretard> is it true girls fart when you blast them in the ass?
<+Queen_Adrock> i DID the whole teen wolf dig, i was all up in teen wolf's shit
<seano> we'll repopulate the earth with canadian-american hybrids
<odd-o-matic> I'm not fond of eye juice
Special thanks to TOM1 for additional material.