25 July 2001 ! 10:19pm
just a couple passages from the
wonderful book A Son Of The Circus by John Irving before i put the
book away. do not
read if you are squeamish. maaf
karo. there's a lot of really deep stuff in this book but the passages
are way too long to
quote. some really interesting
concepts too, like the "load cycle". i definitely recommend the book; it's
probably my favorite.
"Both castration and sex-change
operations are illegal in India, but a hijra's 'operation'--they use the
English word--is
performed by other hijras. The
patient stares at a portrait of the Mother Goddess Bahuchara Mata; he is
advised to bite
his own hair, for there's no anesthetic,
although the patient is sedated with alcohol or opium. The surgeon (who
is not a
surgeon) ties a string around the
penis and the testicles in order to get a clean cut--for it is with one
cut that both the
testicles and the penis are removed.
The patient is allowed to bleed freely; it's believed that maleness is
a kind of poison,
purged by bleeding. No stitches
are made; the large, raw area is cauterized with hot oil. As the wound
begins to heal, the
urethra is kept open by repeated
probing. The resultant puckered scar resembles a vagina." p. 57-8
"One cannot create a new place to
shit without expecting people to shit there. A universal code of defecation
applies: if
some people are shitting somewhere,
others will shit there, too. This is only fair. Defecation in India is
endlessly creative.
Here was a new latrine; quickly
it wasn't new. And one mustn't forget the intense heat before the monsoon
breaks, and the
ensuing floods that attend the
onset of the monsoon; these factors, in addition to the sudden plenitude
of human excrement,
doubltess exacerbated Vera's morning
sickness--not to mention her proneness to fainting on that particular day
when she
was both licked and sneezed on
by a cow." p. 107
addendum (11:59pm):
"Computer games don't affect
kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around
in darkened
rooms, munching magic pills
and listening to repetitive electronic music."
-Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989
24 July 2001 ! 11:22pm
Of course I had read that eventually
you end up
losing track of time in prison.
But it hadn't meant
much to me when I read it. I
hadn't understood
how days could be both long
and short at the
same time: long to live through,
maybe, but so
drawn out that they end up flowing
into one
another. They lost their names.
Only the words
"yesterday" and "tomorrow" still
had any
meaning for me.
Camus, The Stranger, p. 80
that's pretty much how the last two months have been for me. where did i go wrong?
23 July 2001 ! 2:47pm
ok, i slept in really late today.
i feel bad about it cos someone called me twice. someone else called me
at 9:30am, which i got
up for, but no one spoke when i
picked up the phone. so i went back to bed. it was a late night, and i
fell asleep watching 2001
again. but that's not why i am
writing about sleep, since that's autobiographical and boring. what i wanted
to talk about was
the dream i had, specifically the
final two parts. i dreamt i was at some sort of picnic with a crowd of
about 50. at night there
was entertainment. dave matthews
(solo) got on one turntable and made it sound like an acoustic guitar.
he played something
that was lyrically off of crash
but i was the first to notice that melodically and even instrumentally
it was a huge rip off of weezer's
"say it ain't so". i took advantage
of him being so nearby and there being such a small crowd by singing "say
it ain't so" over
dave's voice. as i did it i stared
at some geek/emo type kids with glasses on that i figured would understand
what i am doing. i
still felt like an ass tho, since
he's such a famous artist. (btw there is no dmb song that rips off weezer
in real life.) after dave
shamefully finished his performance,
amidst booing from the crowd for ripping off a weezer song so obviously,
steven wright
(apparently) performed. this is
really why i am writing this. he was wearing a really bright jigsaw puzzle
shirt that everyone
laughed at him for (and he knew
they were laughing). no one would listen to his jokes. so before he left,
he asked people to
take a look at the backdrop he
had set up behind himself. it was a chalkboard with an illustration. he
explained it by saying that
in panel 1 we are awake but about
to go to sleep. in panel 2 we are happily sleeping. in panel 3 we wake
up to go to the bathroom
or whatever. in panel 4 we are
back asleep again. in panel 5 we get up to maybe get some water. in panel
6 we go back to sleep. in
panel 7 it is now morning time
and we have our business clothes on, but it's just a farce; we sloppily
have our work vest over our
pajamas because we are still asleep.
in panel 7 we are at the store looking to buy something, still asleep in
our pajamas. in panel 8
we are still asleep and in a bride's
gown (you should've seen the illustration of steven wright with his hairy
face in the wedding
dress). in panel 9 we are still
asleep and wright and some man in a tux are pictured "happily ever after".
tell me you get the
symbolism here. i can't believe
i could come up with something this good in my sleep (cos in reality i've
never seen a wright stand-up
act nor have i ever seen or heard
about this "sleeping" concept from anyone else).
22 July 2001 ! 3:14am
G: (1:43 AM) teraiv si need u to come one liine nop
HowIsYa: (2:05 AM) hi :)
G: (2:07 AM) traicn
HowIsYa: (2:12 AM) teraiv, traicn
G: (2:13 AM) sdoerryry too much to runk
HowIsYa: (2:13 AM) what did you
G: (2:14 AM) penis hahahah jk
G: (2:17 AM) busy?
HowIsYa: (2:34 AM) with the last
breath from my soul i'm blessing you
G: (2:35 AM) noooooooo
HowIsYa: (2:35 AM) why?
G: (2:35 AM) cause my friend from unisversrut wants
tio ghave sec with me
HowIsYa: (2:36 AM) you should fuck
him. have sec.
G: (2:36 AM) ok
HowIsYa: (2:50 AM) did you?? :)
G: (2:50 AM) god yes
HowIsYa: (2:51 AM) how was he?
G: (2:51 AM) he ripped me apart
21 July 2001 ! 12:22am
"how's your relationships with
computers? cos i am online a whole lot, just as a heads up. i come from
kind of a boring
town which is why i got into
being online. tho of course that may change as there will hopefully be
more interesting
people to do and things to talk
i'm considering putting that in
an intro email i may or may not send my future roommate, a chap by the
name of craig dougherty.
aiight, don't take this the wrong
way or nothin, but one of my favorite parts about going into the heart
of dc (besides oggling
girls in general) is seeing interracial
couples. it's reaffirming. you don't see enough of them outside of big
cities, which is
unfortunate. hell, you don't even
see many minorities outside of big cities (or nearby suburbs like hyattsville).
20 July 2001 ! 4:10am
don't go to jail! http://members.aol.com/freeza4/jail.htm
addendum: The Ice Storm beats the fuck out of American Beauty, no doubt. see that bitch. far, far, far superior.
15 July 2001 ! 7:26pm
what is most pure: air or water?
right. for me, june was toxic
not figuratively
why was it so toxic?
toxic substances, conversations, ideas, thoughts etc.
you beat poet!
yeah. if only
i'm kinda sick of it though
*goes away from the keyboard to beat his poet*
i would be too
i'd get sick of the bullshit
yeah. i'm tired of waking up feeling hungover and smoked out. i'm especially
tired of superficiality in everything. today i went downtown and browsed
used bookstores and music places and played my guitar and i realized that
i've been so concentrated on living in the moment that i'd worn myself
out completely.
i'd forgotten myself in a stream of people and intentions and millions
of questioning eyes.
and that's not worth much.
....end rant.
thanks for the rant, i haven't received one in a long time.. i enjoyed
yer welcome.
how about you?
mind if i put it on my site?
i don't put much up there anymore
(do not read)
sure, go ahead.
14 July 2001 ! 12:30am
once more i have to link to an online journal of some
bitch i never done met. this is jyll, stina's "friend" with weird tits.
and, once again, i have to agree with a lot of the things
she brings up, even if she as a person sucks. she's overly dramatic,
makes confusing examples,
if you want to see a ghettofabulous movie directed by
john singleton, go see baby boy. good shit. i was talking and
thinking like a gangster for a while after seeing it
and i had an urge to date hoochie mamas.
"alright, alright, alright! hey listen, listen,
listen man! listen man! i dunno how many of you people believe in astrology..."
[girl in audience] "you're sagittarius!"
"yea, that's right. that's right, baby. i am a
"i love you."
"..the most philosophical of all the signs."
"i know! so am i!"
"but anyway i don't believe in it."
"i don't either!"
"i think it's a bunch of bullshit, myself. but
i'll tell you this, man. i'll tell you this. i don't know what's gonna
happen man, but i wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up
in flames. alright, alright!"
[audience cheers]
-jim morisson (in bold) at the end of a live version
of "roadhouse blues"
big ups to ingrid for hooking me up with the most ego
inflating thing i've ever read. i feel this is totally accurate, but i
feel bad saying that because it's so damn complimentary.
it coulda said bad things too but it didn't really. anyway, if you
want to learn more about me, click the below link for
my detailed astrological summary. it's frighteningly accurate.
addendum: bath tub girl! weirdddddd.
12 July 2001 ! 1:01am
I have met my new enemy: http://www.livejournal.com/~perfekt/
9 July 2001 ! 10:17pm
o i sleep.
i thought i rented 2001 on friday. i look at the
video box today and it turns out i rented 2010. me so dumb. let's
get dirty.
7 July 2001 ! 9:03pm
i saw my old pal kirby gawlick score some weed down at
tim's joint. good job, kirb. "we" (?) won't say the name of the
place where tim's at, but let's just say i had my first
cup of coffee in probably two years and am extremely hyper. i feel
like recording vocals for a song or two. the problem?
i didn't make any songs yet!!
so anyway, i've witnessed kirby transform from a boring
uppity girl into a boring uppity stoner girl. (she didn't recognize
me, btw, so i just did what i always do... observe people
i used to know, not say anything to them, and have a good laugh.)
it's kind of weird how adults who have known me most
of my life but haven't seen me in a few years always recognize me
but kids don't (yet i always recognize them). it allows
me a lot of freedom cos usually the people i recognize i don't want to
talk to anyway either cos of shyness or cos i was never
really buddy buddy with them anyway. like kate reed for instance.
when i knew her she was a very nice girl. but when she
started being passed around at st. anselm's, she became an "overly
nice" girl. if you catch my drift. if you don't, two
leters: H and O. and i ain't talking about water. it's funny
stuff. anyway i've
seen her around school for 5 years, told a few people
(3-4) that i used to know her, but she never said a single thing to me.
i doubt she recognized me or anyone mentioned me to her.
cool with me, i don't really like ho's. and i'm sorry she became that,
but really there ain't no coming back. anyway i'm kinda
stuck for what to say now and i don't want to waste my caffeine high.
so, big up to tim for the free shiznit and the job info.
happy birthday, ferret!!!! not that you read this shit anyway. but happy birthday, in spirit.
5 July 2001 ! 7:32pm
before starting the backlog of things i have to put in
this entry, i just wanted to say to whoever doesn't look at the bottom
of the page, there are actually 2 years worth of "do
not read" entries, and frankly the 2000 stuff
is much more interesting
to read cos i was still trying to figure out who i was.
now i know myself so well that this site's almost becoming a chore.
i like being able to post links and info here, but as
far as all the psychological analysis, that's mostly done with.
also done with, i think, was my idea to have a sort of
do not read blogger set up this summer with other people. basically
i chickened out cos i've been extremely antisocial lately
(and have had little to say on my own do not read site). so another
idea bites the dust. no big surprise there. i just a
passing thought that, since my artistic inspiration (photoshop) has died
out and since my do not read entries are much less interesting
lately, maybe i am slowly becoming a boring person. maybe
the last four years i've been the most interesting person
i'll ever be. kind of a scary thought. anyway here's the stuff i was
going to write before.
aphex twin has a new album coming out. its title is drukqs.
it spans two discs and thirty tracks. it was mastered last
month. can you feel my excitement permeating through
your monitor?
search whatever crazy file swapping program you use now
for this guy "ali g". apparently he's a comedian on british tv.
very funny. thick english accent, but he thinks he's
black. if you like comedy about misogyny, rock stars, and making fun
of america, you'll like it. especially the "women" mp3
where he advocates girls get into part time "feminism" (can you guess
what he means by that?).
not dirty.
dirty gossip.
aqua man vs. green lantern. brilly!
summer tv worth watching: south park (wednesdays 10pm
on comedy central), that's my bush (thursdays 10pm same
network), the test (dirty polls with celebs on fx weeknights
at 11pm), and various and sundry mtv2 specials. and go to
the theater to see a.i.! fuck what anybody tells
you, that movie is damn good. everything about it.
i'm tempted to scan the 3x3 piece of paper i wrote this
on instead of actually typing it up. but i will spare you. july 3rd i
was on the metro and there was a man with grey hair in
the seat ahead of me by himself. didn't say anything to anyone
until a bunch of people came onto the metro car and a
middle aged woman sat next to him. after the people borded there
was a long wait before departure. after a few minutes,
the man said to the woman (first words he spoke): "if i had known
there'd be such a long wait i would have brought my hash
pipe!". it was kind of funny.
on the same small piece of paper i wrote down a dream
that a few hours earlier i had woken up from. have you ever seen
office space? you know the annoying and cheesy
boss, lumberg? i had a dream where i was working at checkers, a fast
food hamburger joint, and he was my immediate supervisor.
at first i didn't like him, but my friends were apalled to find out
that after a short while lumberg and i had become friends
and talked frequently. oh, and let me mention that, during my
entire dream, jay-z's song "i just wanna love u (give
it to me)" was playing. lyrics like "i'm a hustler baby / i just want you
to know / it ain't where i've been / but where i'm about
to go" etc. anyway, after lumberg and i became good friends, there
was this strange sequence in my dream straight out of
a movie. pages of a calendar flipped quickly to signify significant
time passing. very cinematic. the next thing i remember
is being with a friend or two on my back porch spitting on a large
empty cardboard box or metal slab that was lying by our
i can't believe i've spent 30 minutes on this update.
i am such a dorq. finally:
songs of the moment:
jucifer - 44: dying in white
liz phair - south dakota
mos def - the climb
mos def - umi says
radiohead - cuttooth
radiohead - like spinning plates
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